Sunday, April 11, 2010

Decks, Fences and Playgrounds, Oh My

While I'm in a spring/outdoor mood, I'll take a moment to discuss Chromated Copper Arsenate, or CCA. It's used to treat wood and keep the bugs out - but it's just another organic arsenical lurking in your life. I'd rather have the bugs.  Ever wonder why that privacy fence, deck or playground equipment had a green hue - it's this stuff.  The EPA limited its residential use in 2003, however, much of the construction in our homes predates this mandate and so you need to be aware.  The worst part about CCA treated wood is that the CCA leaches out over time, so the older materials that haven't been properly maintained are the most dangerous.   If you have any of this material in your home, be very careful when you dispose of it! No burning.  I'd recommend gloves. 

Here is a link for more info:

Spring Gardening

Sorry I've been out of touch - and so soon after publication began.   The demands of my real job took up all of my free time.  But, I've got plenty in store and hopefully I'll have time to begin posting more regularly.

I just wanted to post a link to this EPA page which describes some common weed killers and pesticides that contain arsenic.  They are sold under some of our favorite brand names - including Scott's - so read and heed.  One exciting thing to note: pursuant to an agreement between the EPA and the manufacturers reached in 2009, many of these organic pesticides are being withdrawn or phased from the market!   However, the manufacturers will be permitted to sell products remaining on store shelves.  Further,  we all know how long products remain in our sheds and garages.  Lastly, some uses remain, including use on non-fruit bearing trees, on cotton crops, golf courses, and on public roadways.

For those with more time:
The quick and dirty list:

Scotts Post Emergent Crabgrass Control, Gordon’s Crabgrass and Nutgrass Killer, and Ferti-Lome Crabgrass, Dallis Grass Killer, Scotts Spot Grass & Weed Control, Liquid Edger, and Liquid Fence & Grass Edger.