Sunday, February 7, 2010

Testing testing . . .

Arsenic is pervasive in our environment.   One way to evaluate the levels of arsenic in your life is to test for it.  Several companies make kits for at-home use, ranging from $15.00 to several hunderd dollars.   Some of the lower priced kits test only for inorganic arsenic.  But some, such as the kit below from Hatch, have the ability to test for both inorganic and organic arsenic.  *Note* I have not evaluated any of these tests and make no comment regarding their results. Testing often requires use of reagents that may be toxic.  Be sure to follow all instructions and dispose of as indicated.

From the Hatch web site:

Our Low Range Kit (Cat. # 2800000) has a range up to 500 ppb and is best for samples containing sulfide or arsenic-iron particles. It has excellent recovery of As+5 (100%) and can measure organic arsenic with optional steps.,+0-500+ppb,+100+tests.

From Filter Fast:

On Amazon:

You can also find kits for testing soil, wood and other areas where high arsenic levels may be found.